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Why To Use a Contractor for a Bathroom Remodel

Why To Use a Contractor for a Bathroom Remodel
Undertaking a bathroom remodel can improve the look and function of your current room, while adding to your home’s resale value. Like most homeowners, you may page through magazines, walk through home stores, or search online for ideas. What finds its way into your final design depends on your needs, wants, and budget. By working […]

Removing Loadbearing Walls to Create an Open Floor Plan

Removing Loadbearing Walls to Create an Open Floor Plan
Finding a loadbearing wall in the way when you are remodeling to create an open floor plan can add extra cost and stress to a project. Achieving an open concept requires removing walls to allow free-flowing spaces between the kitchen and family room or dining area. Some homes have a virtually wall-less main living area, […]

What to Consider in a Kitchen Remodel

What to Consider in a Kitchen Remodel
For many people, a kitchen remodel is the best home improvement they can make. The kitchen is a gathering place in many homes, so the layout, functionality, and appearance can make a difference between a home you like and one you love. There are several basic types of remodels you might do, and when you […]

What is a Legal Bedroom?

What is a Legal Bedroom?
To define a room as a legal bedroom, the space must meet specific requirements of the International Building Code and of state and local codes to make sure that it is habitable and safe. Whether you are converting space in the attic and basement, repurposing other unused space in your home, or building an addition, […]

Adding a Home Office: Tips to Add or Convert a Space

Adding a Home Office: Tips to Add or Convert a Space
If you work at home, adding a home office is the best way to create a dedicated work space you'll love and use. You can work anywhere these days just by moving your computer, but having an office as your primacy workspace provides a location for everything you need to work efficiently. Here's what you […]